Ammaprema’s sound journeys are remarkable, it is different every time but I always learn something profound each time. She’s Amazing !  J-A Glastonbury


Ammaprema is a dedicated and profound Vortexhealer. Her work with sound brings a depth to her work that is quite unique and brings enormous help to her clients - DF Glastonbury


Ammaprema’s groups are amazingly heart centred and always leave me feeling held and nurtured. I just love what she does and try to get gonged as often as I can - AW Glastonbury


Ammaprema always opens our yoga retreats and all the stress dissolves . Time stops and we all start to really gel really quickly. The sound has greatly deepened my yoga practices.

 SB -Frome


I am a Healer/Tuning Fork Therapist/Reader/Empowerment Therapist myself and rarely go to others for Healing, but Amaprema Grace gave me an amazing Healing Session. She used channelled sounds with her voice into different energy centres which was very powerful and soothing and I also received an aura screening which was amazing.

I would recommend going to Ammaprema Grace for one of her amazing Healing Sessions, they are relaxing, empowering and very different. 

Thank you so much Coral x


The opening Ceremony she crafted for Colourfest 2014 was amazing -so many candles and so much love flowing. it really set the tone for what was an amazing festival -RC Bournemouth


I can’t thank you enough for all your help and generous sharing . Thank you! Thank you !Thank you! Please come back soon! -SD Finland


My autistic daughter smiled so much after the workshop where she played the gong. It was just amazing. I can’t believe how much she gained from the experience!  DF Cornwall


“I feel I can do anything after that workshop ! “

BS Eastbourne


“I could really feel the vibrations of the crop circle and how it had gone deep into the land.” SO Bristol


“When are you coming back we miss you!” CP Glastonbury

Dear Ammaprema Grace, I send the pictures of the ceremony Tor at Glastonbury. They hope to be to your liking. The ceremony heart sound was indescribable. Connect with the heart of Mother Earth and all hearts present. Also in the hearts of from the confines of world. Fell the power of the Tor... Feel love, compassion, forgiveness toward for oneself and others, sharing ... I hope I sorry because my English is principiant. I can only tell you from the bottom of my being, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!! A HUG OF LIGHT !!!! Pietat Cruz (Druid Luz Corylum)