QUANTUM Genius SESSIONS                             with Ammaprema

The Quantum Genius session utilises the best of applied quantum physics and brings that balancing technology to support your healing process.

Ammaprema uses this technology both as part of an integrated healing session but also on request in its own right as a stand-alone healing session.

The machine can be used over distance as the electromagnetic frequencies travel to their identified destination in a similar way that broadband frequencies can bring your computer to receive or transmit phone calls. People do not have to be connected or hear the sounds created in the treatments, although one-to-one geodes can be used to intensify the healing over specific areas.

The machine runs through an app that can be downloaded onto an iPad /tablet and Ammaprema acts as an agent for those who want to purchase their own app and treat themselves with this remarkable equipment. She provides free training and some support for new users who purchase through her.

Ammaprema also uses the Infinity alongside the Quantum Wave Laser as they are compatible complementary technologies that work well together.

A Quantum Capsule can also be purchased to allow active treatments to be downloaded onto your personal mobile phone or iPad/tablet, this enables you to run a repeat treatment on yourself over several days thus intensifying the balancing effects. This is being shown to be particularly effective in supporting those with serious illnesses gain support in their treatment journeys.

All sessions last for 50 or 80 minutes and cost £50/£80.

Ammaprema tries to ensure that people are not disadvantaged by a lack of finance and a sliding scale/installments or exchanges can be negotiated. She offers up to two subsidised sessions a week.

How it works:

The human body is an amazing machine. When it is in complete balance (homeostasis), it is capable of repairing and healing itself.

The biggest cause of imbalance in the body, leading to chronic illness, and the inability of the physical body to cope, is STRESS. In today's world, it is difficult to reduce exposure to a level where the body's own healing mechanism can start to work.

Doctors have various chemical medications available, there are counselors, relaxation techniques, meditation, and many more, all of which have their place. But the one that has been having a silent revolution over the past two decades is energy medicine or frequency healing.

Frequency healing has been around since the 1800s but in the last 20 years the number of energy medicine machines available around the world with the ability to balance the body via frequencies, so the body can then heal itself, has been increasing. The Quantum Genius is the latest of these devices.

We are all made up of electromagnetic energy. Every cell in our body has a positive and negative charge. with electrons, protons, photons, and many other components.

Every living thing has a unique frequency which is made up of trillions of other frequencies specific to that being. When we are STRESSED, ill, or injured these frequencies stop performing accurately.

When one of these devices is attached to the body, it can read the body's frequencies and detect the ones that are not performing correctly. It can then correct them, allowing the body to start healing itself. This is a simplified explanation, but energy medicine is gaining considerable ground, with amazing results.

Like all technology, the early frequency devices were large and cumbersome, but when printed circuit boards arrived everything became much more user friendly and the Quantum Genius has made the next technical leap onto ipads and tablets, making the power of frequency healing much more adaptable, portable and available to the masses.