In 2020-21 Ammaprema studied Animal communication and Whale and Dolphin healing with Laurie Reyon’s WHALE AND DOLPHIN ENERGY LIGHT MEDICINE SCHOOL. She graduated and is licensed to practice as an accredited healer, channeling whales and dolphins.
In the course of learning, she realised that through her sound work, she has been inviting the whales and dolphins into her healing groups since 1991, having first been introduced to them through work with Jhadten Jewall in the 1990’s.
She is now able to offer Whale light body activations and Dolphin DNA Calibrations and has become a skilled channel of their loving support and energy activations.
The whales communicate telepathically. They tell us, that they are indeed our ancient ancestors having been on the planet for millions of years. Their healing abilities are extraordinary and supported by the evidence from Masuma Emoto and Tod Overkaites, which demonstrated that their sounds were able to transform dirty Japanese tap water into crystal clear drinking water.
Please contact Ammaprema for more information about the Activations she can facilitate.