Can there be an ending of conflict? Is Peace possible?
A new definition of Awakening, The New Covenant- The Paradigm of the New Humanity
In the footsteps of the Magdalene 2 -Pilgrimage Facebook blogs
A Pilgrimage Through France In the footsteps of Magdalene 2017 - Liberté, Egalité et Fraternité
Sat 1st July 2017
Liberté, Egalité et Fraternité
Welcome to this travel blog!
I am preparing for the flight on Monday and a friend calls to meet at Buckfast Abbey. She says there is some energy coming in and she got that she was to call me. I take a deep breath and decide an outing is what I need to break the planning cycle of trains, dates and finances for my impending journey.I am still not sure how I am coming home!
I have a few "whacky friends" - you know who you are! The whackiness seems to happen when people start working with sounds and get to meet Crystal skulls. For years I have avoided becoming a total fruitcake, making sure I tether the camel of my finances and checking out the variety of insightful impulses, that pass through the brain as part of the daily diet of choices. Rational Su stays grounded and does yoga for the body and avoids skulls, but Ammaprema grabs her into flights of wild fancy, fantasy and intuition with extraordinary synchronicities and dreams of possibilities and of course indescribable sounds..
One could say this is the realm of creative visualisation, amplified by gongs and social media, and refined by Tibetan Bowls and Solfeggio chimes, anchored by crystal sound, meditation, and crystal grids: Shamanism by another word. It does lead to an exciting life, if a bit confusing for others to relate to.
Anyway here we go. I arrive at the abbey ,- beautiful and still. Sculptured flowerbeds of Lavender, healing herbs and roses. People of goodwill exploring the grounds, and the abbey. It was built as a Catholic venture by I think 7 monks, financially supported by a local catholic family, and is an impressive building: filled with gold, and towering echo chambers and a particularly lovely new chapel, with an amazing blue mosaiced glass window of Christ (not on a cross) . The complex now includes ageing monks and a huge conference centre, a tonic wine production business and tourist attraction with great sympathy for bees and honey. It is a place of daily meditation and prayer, and has a nice motorway services style cafe for afternoon tea, (-they are apparently throwing in scones today!) They also do amazing choral concerts as the acoustics are fantastic, and they are tuning the new organ today.
I meet my friend and we visit the Lavender garden of beautiful varieties of flowering lavenders. Balance is the word that pops in as I sit in the fragrant mediterranean heaven. We chat and catch up. She takes me to a special tree where she has been anchoring healing loving energy with crystals. The tree is very happy about this. Together we sit in meditation at its base. It is deep and still , a beautiful place touching wildness in its roots, away from the formality of the gardens. I scatter some fragrant rose petals from the nearby garden, adding my blessings...trees like to be expands their aura! I am reminded of my recent Solstice celebration at the magnificent Treviscoe on Trencrom, where the wonderful Natasha demonstrated with dowsing, to us all, how our tree blessings affected the tree auras. (See Parellel Community, Facebook page:
I ask for guidance about this personal pilgrimage and am given the words "Egalité et Fraternité. The brain is struggling a bit in French, and I remember the French revolution slogan adding Liberté - Freedom to the mix of Fairness and Friendship.
Freedom, Fairness and friendship, I love the theme. Thank you divine guides for being with me and supporting this pilgrimage to inner peace.
Saturday 1st July
The sun is shining!
So I sit at my desk overlooking this beautiful Devon garden, refreshed by the recent rains and excitement is building. I reflect on yesterday and whether my friend's friend, will come back offering me the Lilac Mazda Bongo to drive back to the Uk ...would that be too much to hope for? It was an interesting synchronistic possibility that emerged as we had shared last night in a local hostelry.
As I reflect on Buckland Abbey, I realise I am impressed by how the energy in the actual abbey has become so full of light, and the Divine Mother feels so present, albeit as Mary, pristine virgin -who of course I love! I wonder if my two friends who have been working on bringing in the energies of the Divine Mother into this sacred place have succeeded? Have their joy and their prayers and their crystals actually transformed the place? Have they affirmed its linkage to the grids of light they work with across the world? Do we all increase the love in the world and the grids through our conscious loving?
For whatever reason I am linked to these two friends as I travel in the footsteps of Magdalene, from Sts Marie- de- la- Mer, to St Baume, on the first leg of the Journey. On Monday I fly at Noon helped by one of these friends, who is house-sitting my home (and my crystal grids, sound armoury etc) whilst I am away.
I asked a question earlier: Do we all increase the love in the world and the grids through our conscious loving? I believe that of course we do and that is mirrored every day in our families, when the small expression of picking flowers for our mother, or a kind word to grandpa, brings a smile, feelings of goodwill and a follow up of smiles and better energy in our relationships. I believe that extends to the land, -witness the difference between a garden that is loved and cherished, watered and weeded, and to land that is abandoned to concrete and litter.
How different do they make you feel?
Thousands of us pour our of city homes to the parks, and to weekends in the country for spiritual replenishment, nourishment and connection to our nomad roots. Every action we do creates more love or more indifference. Every decision creates a better or worse way of life for ourselves and others.
Do we pay attention to the fact of this?
As we sit on our computers sharing videos and quotes with our friends : are we spreading love, important information to be digested and reflected upon, helping an organisation to grow and flourish or are we oppressing ourselves and others with the smearing judgements of polluted minds or with cynical oppressive treatment of others?
How do our actions reflect our values of Love, Freedom, friendship and fairness? How can we increase our awareness of each action we take, each decision we make and its ramifications? Have we created the conditions in our lives for that to happen?
These are questions for pondering and applying to ourselves and how we live. What gets in the way? For myself, its usually emotion. Vulnerabilities are exposed by unkindness and actions or words that feel like they harm us. How I judge what harms me, is of course conditioned by my experiences, particularly of loss and rejection, of failure and despair; and by the very act of the habit of judging things. As I grow older, I realise how my mental state, my questions, my words are mirrored back in my life, and how knots are formed when a fellow human engages from their hurt place, with careless words, thoughtless unexplained actions, upset emotions flying across the screens of the mind, taking over the focus of consciousness.
Meditation clears the mind screens, but transforming the relationships and how they have impacted the land around us, requires intention and maybe a little help from spirit, and a lot of humble pie from self.
I am reminded that the Ho epono :" I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you" is a good way to go on most troubling thoughts.
So onwards and upwards the sunshine awaits! Time to pack the case for adventure into Love and exploration of Self in the glorious surroundings of Southern France. I'm excited and I'm overjoyed to be sharing this trip with you!
Liberté, Egalité et Fraternité - Freedom, fairness and friendship!
Sharing the Grace of the Divine Mother with you all