This workshop is an opportunity to explore and heal the inner archetypes of the Divine Mother and Father within. Through a linked series of visualisations you will be led to connect to your inner archetypes of Goddess and God and learn how you unconsciously are relating to yourself. We will also use Sacred Sound Techniques to heal aspects of your inner child and to help you to reconnect with the flow of Divinity in your life.
In the course of the workshop you will learn about the cycles of the Goddess, & much secret female wisdom which is handed down through work with the Divine Mother.
Ammaprema has been inspired to work with the Divine Mother ever since she first discovered the teachings of Jessica Macbeth over 25 years ago. Ammaprema learnt this technique from Jessica who first devised it, 25 years ago.
(Jessica authored Sun Over Mountain, - a seminal work on Guided Imagery, Moon Over Water,-a great introduction to meditation techniques, and the commentary to the Fairy Oracle. She now lives and works from the Pacific North West and is available on line for consultations)
For further information please email or call 07969 181820 for further information .
£33 Bring a friend and get 2nd person half price, bring two friends and get 3 for the price of 2!
No-one is excluded through lack of finance ,Donations and exchanges are possible